ElecNet2D/3D Electric Field Simulation Software
ElecNet 2D/3D is the leading electric field simulation software tool. Designers can easily model the most complicated devices and accurately predict their behavior. Based on finite element analysis methods, ElecNet solves static, AC and transient electric field and current flow problems.
Analyze and predict the performance of:
- Transformers
- Insulation Systems
- EMC Compatibility
- Bus Bars
- High Voltage Components
- Shielding
- Cables
- Capacitive Sensors/NDT
- Many more

Recent Improvements
- Speedups to allow the use of many electrodes in a model (more than 2x faster)
- Improved waveform editor
- Coupling with ThermNet
- Better visualization of field and arrow plots
- Improved graphing feature
- Improvements to the automatic meshing
ElecNet uses the finite element method to solve for the electric field strength, forces, capacitances and other quantities. Each module is tailored to simulate different types of electric fields and is available separately for both 2D & 3D designs.
Electric Field Solvers
Transient or Time-varying electric fields
- Simulates transient electric fields produced by transient voltages
- Non-linear permittivity and conductivity
- Accounts for displacement currents
- Supports floating conductors
- Electrical conduction and lossy dielectrics
- Second-order time stepping
- Resume Feature: pause at a particular time step for inspection
AC or Time Harmonic electric fields
- Simulates electric fields produced by specified AC voltages
- Analysis based on a single frequency using phasors (complex domain)
- Accounts for displacement currents
- Supports floating conductors
- Electrical conduction and lossy dielectrics
Static fields
- Simulates static electric fields produced by specified DC voltages and charge distributions
- Supports floating conductors
Current Flow
- Simulates the DC current distribution produced by specified DC voltages on electrodes in contact with conducting material
Common Solver Features
- All solvers are multithreaded for true multicore support
- Symmetry for reducing solution domain
- Parametric Module for "What if?" analysis
- Coupling with ThermNet 2D/3D
- Optimization with OptiNet
Geometric Modeling & Importing
- 3D ACIS® Modeler from Spatial
- DXF/SAT imported natively
- Pro/E, STEP, IGES, CATIA and Inventor import modules available
- Full Boolean operations
- Multi-Sweep function for complex geometries
Meshing Tools
Adaptive strategy determines where refinements are needed after each step by:
- Subdividing elements (2D/3D)
- Increasing the polynomial order (3D)
- Both techniques combined (3D)
- Mesh layers for skin depth analysis and highly anisotropic volume elements
- Separate mesh for coupled thermal problems (with ThermNet)
- Extensive manual meshing controls
Material Library
- Pre-defined library of linear, nonlinear and anisotropic materials
- Advanced loss computation based on Steinmetz equation
- User-defined easily added with Material Editor & curve fitting utilities
Parametric Studies & What-if Analysis
- Perform multiple experiments for "What if?" analysis
- Any quantity can be parameterized (e.g. geometric features, materials, mesh settings) and can be varied through a user-specified range of values
- Automate repetitive tasks
- Link to third party software such as Excel® or MatLab®
- Customize ElecNet for your needs

Results - Quantities, Fields & Charts
- Electric Field Intensity (E)
- Voltage
- Electric Energy
- Flux Density
- Force
- Net Current Flow
- Power Loss
- Displacement Field
- Current density
- Conductivity
- Resistance and capacitance matrices of electrodes
- And more

All of the data is available in a variety of formats and easily accessible with the Post-Processing and Project toolbars:
- Detailed field visualizations
- Charts
- Field probing
- Export to Excel

Couple ElecNet to thermal simulations to predict heating effects on your design.
Find optimal values for different design variables within the constraints specified - ideal for improving efficiency or reducing costs.
Trajectory Evaluator Assistant
Predicting the trajectory of a charged particle over time.
Use OptiY with MagNet to perform optimization and sensitivity analysis on any electromagnetic device.